How to Contact Instagram Customer Service - Jumper Media

When we receive trademark claims through our online form and remove the reported content, we provide the reported user with the report number, rights owner's name, email address provided by the reporting party, a description of the rights owner's trademark, and a description of the removed content They do have a direct phone number and email — their contact phone number is (650) 543-4800, and their contact email is — but it's unlikely you'll get a human response through these channels. (650) 543-4800 If you need to contact Instagram, the customer service phone number is 650-543-4800. Now that Instagram is owned by Facebook, the best support comes through Facebook help pages for Instagram users. That is the best way to resolve any issues you may have. Sep 07, 2018 · Instagram contact information. There are two options for contacting Instagram. Instagram contact number . You can contact them via phone and let them know about your problem by calling them on 650-543-4800. Instagram email address . You can also contact them via email: [email protected]. Jun 17, 2019 · Shockingly, Instagram does not have a client administration number, and their help email is never again in administration. On the off chance that you have to report something to Instagram, you can do as such through the Help Center page on a personal computer, or utilizing the "Report a Problem" choice on the versatile application. Make the most of your Instagram experience by discovering new feature updates, tips, and tools to engage with your audience and learning about our resources. In fact, Instagram has an official help email, which customer support uses for notifying users: However, there is no sense in sending letters to this email address since with 99% probability you won't get an answer. We claim it judging by the reviews of Instagram users who have ever experienced technical issues.

Apr 15, 2019

They do have a direct phone number and email — their contact phone number is (650) 543-4800, and their contact email is — but it's unlikely you'll get a human response through these channels. (650) 543-4800 If you need to contact Instagram, the customer service phone number is 650-543-4800. Now that Instagram is owned by Facebook, the best support comes through Facebook help pages for Instagram users. That is the best way to resolve any issues you may have. Sep 07, 2018 · Instagram contact information. There are two options for contacting Instagram. Instagram contact number . You can contact them via phone and let them know about your problem by calling them on 650-543-4800. Instagram email address . You can also contact them via email: [email protected].

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Instagram Shopping: Does It Work? (It Does For These Brands) 800M — Number of monthly active Instagram users. 500M — Number of daily active users. Increased from 400M to 500M since March 2017; 5X — Instagram growth rate compared to overall social network usage in the U.S. (Source: Inc.) 25 — Percent more likely it is that Instagram users are in the top income quartile than average Internet users.